Sunday, November 25, 2012

Chapter 24: Why Deaf People are Wary

I understand why Deaf people feel they should hold the majority of jobs that involve the Deaf community as that is logical and I do not understand why a hearing person would think that they would be more qualified to do such things.  I am curious about what jobs Deaf people are prohibited from having, however.
"Deaf people, after all,, are still barred from many positions."--pg. 148, p. 2
It seems like, with the assistance of interpreters, Deaf people could do any job.  Which brings me to my wondering about why Deaf people would resent interpreters.  I suppose this is a job that Deaf people cannot fulfill, unless they are also oralists.  Interpreters make money yes, but I do not understand why that is bad.  They are providing a service.  Perhaps creating a test that interpreters would have to pass (and it is hard for me to believe that there is not already one out there) in order to be licensed would take away negative impressions of interpreters as it would make sure all of them are qualified and possessing positive attitudes.

1 comment:

  1. I find it so sad that hearing people are trying to take over jobs in the Deaf Community. I don’t think that they are any more qualified just like you said. I also agree with your viewpoint on interpreters. I don’t understand why a deaf person would resent them unless they were being condescending, otherwise I would think that interpreters would be very much so accepted and appreciated among the Deaf Community.
